“If you declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Romans 10:9

What It Means To Follow Jesus

WHAT Is Salvation?

To be saved is to receive a gift from God that none of us deserve. It is us making the choice to turn FROM our old ways and to turn TO Jesus, our Savior. We ask Him for forgiveness from our sins, to make us right with Him, and to give us new life in Him.

 What your life has looked like up to this point now is dust that you have shaken off your feet. It is behind you, it’s dead, it’s gone because you are a new creation in Christ! Now you may be wondering, what does it mean to follow Jesus? The Bible gives us a very clear representation of who Jesus is, not who WE think He is, who He really is. He is God in the flesh, He is our teacher, He is our Savior.

 In Matthew 16, Jesus says, “If anyone wants to follow after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me will find it.”

WHY This Matters?

Following Jesus isn’t a one-and-done decision. It is a daily decision. You are making the decision every day that your words and actions will be Kingdom-minded. You are now sanctified. God has transformed you now to be more like His son, Jesus.

WHAT Should My Life Look Like Now?

You are now in a beautiful relationship with a loving God through Jesus. It’s not a transactional relationship. It’s a transforming relationship. Here are things to begin practicing and incorporating into your daily walk with Christ:

1.      Pray

The Bible says to never stop praying. (1 Thes. 5:17, Phil. 4:6) Prayer is an important aspect of our walk because it’s one of the ways we commune with God. Think about prayer like this: you are constantly ‘uploading’ - God is constantly ‘downloading’. It’s making everything known to God. Prayer is a powerful thing!

2.      Live According to the Word and His Example

Jesus doesn’t ask much of us. He calls us to obedience. Obedience through prayer and study of Scripture allows God’s will to influence your life. You are denying your selfish desires daily to make sure you are living your life in a way that pleases and honors God. You do so by following Jesus’ words and his example. (Eph. 5:1-2)

3.       Get Connected

Now that you’ve made the incredible decision to follow Jesus, it’s time to get connected with other believers. It’s important to be surrounded by people who will encourage you, speak life into you, and challenge you. It will help you. (Prov. 27:6) Sign up and join a growth group or serve in an area of the church!

Congratulations! You have made the best decision of your life… to follow Jesus! Continue to press into Him. We are so excited to be able to pray with you and walk with you as you continue this journey.